Friday, June 27, 2008


i had to wake up early and i was offered to go to amandas but i didnt want to bc i was too tired... i got dressed i just gotta eat and brush my teeth. how do u like the "new and improved" katrina blog? i CANT WAIT until me and my mom switch to sprint. she gets paid today so i wanna go shopping w/ her! gotta go eat... last night i snuck downstaris and finished the rice pudding. i was not tired... we had to be in bed by 10:30 =p brb gotta eat

i had lucky charms gotta brush my teeth brb

argh! i g2g to the dentist!!!!!! well the orthodontist bc i have an infection bc he put the braces on wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! soo please comment. its always nice to hear from you oddish stalkers. hehehe. comment!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

my party

it was the 21st and whoever wasnt there MISSED OUT BIG TIMME!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008


hey marleen is ova my house. we miyte see manda Lee <3333
lol listen to this
K: why did she draw a heart?
M: haha where?
K: right there! are you retarded? there!
M: where?
K: right the---- ohh that's a door handle!

lol lmfao! marleen is soo cool! we are gonna hang out over tha summer! my bff

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

nick-my cousin

amanda wasnt getting along with my aunt joette and amanda was yelling in one room and aunt jo was standing in the halls. nick comes into the room and slams the door on aunt jo's face and locked it. he said "there, now shut up. the doors locked. shes gone." he exhaled deeply standing behind the door. aunt jo was getting pissed bc she thought amanda slammed the door. amanda yelled at nick saying "dont slam and lock doors" like she CARED. he said "i dont give a fu**" she screamed at him. he said "bitch!" and amanda smashed the door backwards and it bashed his teensy weensy little hand. "AAAAHHh!!!! MANDA HOIT ME, MA! SHE HOIT MEEE!!!" aunt jo had heard him call amanda a bitch and she put him in punsishment. he was sitting on aunt jo's lap and headbutted her with his white-blond hair. hahahahahahahhahaha i was laughing hysterically!

later, we went outside. we got wet and we were gonna go in his cadillac (the baby one. haha that reminds me: me and amanda were cruising the streets with it telling people "wass good???")
but instead we decided to get wet. aunt jo was outside and she saw nick had stuff that looked like bird shit on his pants. he goes "mom i washedd myself" IT WAS SOAP!!! lolz

so i can't wait til my party and i gotta get stuff for it and get me a peddi. i wanna get pearl an evil eye bracelet and something from walgreens for the end of the year and party (eoy). bree and dee will get something from claires. well, i gotta go



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

wazz good?

well i am sleeping over marema's again. something went on fathers day and its nona. NON A YOUR BIZZNESS!!!! well everyones giving me additude here, im at kayla and giovannis. first i was on the fone and then kaylas like u cant b on it its gonna die. and then i was like i dont care. she got pissed. them i was complaining on how the house smelled like shit and then kayla spraed febreeze on me and i go "wtf is ur prob?" shes like "u!" im like ANGER ISSSUES! then i was playing in the txt to speech (start menu, control panel, sounds and etxt to speech) i was typing "hahaha bitch" and "someones getting pissed" the i got additude from aunt miggue and my mom hung up on me and told me i was being a big baby just bc i wanna go home. >:0
i just got an evil eye bracelet and its really goood luck. i took it off in class then a bug came in. the second i put the braceelet back on, rooney squasheed it! so i reccomend u get one. i got mine @ gold city on central. bea-yooutiful. i j'adore it. i wanna get one for pearl. you can't buy one 4 urserelf. someone has to give it to you with good intentons.

tooday in class we had ms. motto as a sub. haha "donkeys kick and spit" d whispers "like his mom" i go "like ur mom!!!!!!! and dont touch mt crap!" lol. ms.motto was drinking red bull and she let me sit next to dee and bree and then later we got to connect desks. i brought in my ipod. i dont know what were gonna do tomorroe i just hope ms. wacky novaky (lolz c.o.d. thnx again.) isnt in tomorrow. i really wanna watch a movie or something. her idea of fun is word puzzles. and eating shit but i dont wanna be mean because i am just kidding)

the other day i gave a letter in about the "nick m." incodent and again NONA lolz and i forgot so sign my name. so ms. wacky novaky goes arent you gonna sign ur name and i said ok. so i sign and say heres my autograph for wwhen im famous because u aint getting one then. I WAS THINKING IT I DIDNT KNOW THAT I ACTUALLY SAID IT OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i went to marema's ive been getting out at 11:30 so i get to see her and grandy alot. grandy drives me in the morning, i get to school early get out early have a great day. get to shop w/ marema go on the computer and set up hger ipod.

yay mommy's here wanna gtf outta here bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


hey the other day i went to pearls. then yesterday me pearl brianna and d'anna (my friends yes, my bffs) hung out. my mom locked her keys in the car. we went to the ukranian fair and then went to d'anna's house. i am sooo pissed and its not bc im at marema and grandy's, its because i'm here and i have to go to a party with them =....(
so i forgot to bring my redbook, nylon, seventeen, cosmogirl, and teenvogue mags. ugh! next saturday is my party. i cant wait! this week we get out at 11:30 all that week! then on friday is the last day of school! this summer we will all hang out. i cant wait. and i know i will not go to ss
if i do, i'll cry and be punished.
that reminds me, check out my school poem-y thing. its interesting.
well, gotta go! love you!

♥ ME